Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Oh, to be back!

I always start this blog up again, disappear for 10 months to a year or so, come back and delete the old posts, and start all over again. A disappointing blogging cycle!  Spirit is always nudging me to come back, and stay. 
Spirit always has a subtle way of pushing us in the right direction. I did a guided meditation today and the teacher used the words Yogastha Kuru KArmani.  It resonated with me, so I wanted to read more about it, and when I googled it, I was led to a Blogger post by an Indian gentlemen.  Which then led me back to my own blogger page.  And here I am! Oh tricky spirit!

 So what is "Yogasth Kuru KArmani?" It comes from the bagvad gita, and Lord Krishna says to Arjun “Yogastha Kuru Karmani” means establish yourself in Yoga and perform action as per your Dharma.

Today my meditation was about gratitude.  Which was interesting because I said the words to myself, "I am Grateful for what, I am grateful for who," and I thought I would need to conjure, to think them up, but instead the Universe answered again and again.  Things came up I wasn't even expecting...my ancestors, my neighborhood, people I am on the outs with. It was fascinating what my soul is thankful for, but my mind seems to forget, misinterpret, or ignore. Such beauty and teachings on this plain of the Universe.

So where am I currently in the grand scheme of Yoga teaching? Back in October of 2013 a sweet friend of mine started having me substitute for her when she was ill or away.  It has been the perfect way for me to get my toes wet in Gods great pond of giving back. Its 2 classes back to to back, level 1, 55+ class, and a chair yoga class. The very first time she asked me I was so nervous!  I created my class and went over it again and again. I went in clutching my lesson plan close in hand, a little crackle in my voice at first, but eased right in with the help of Gods grace.  I had beautiful feedback from the students, and there is no way to describe the joy on their faces afterwords, as they blissfully left the class. I also got paid! It's a $5 donation based class, so some do and some don't, but I went in thinking it was a volunteer class, because she had never told me.  I think I was in shock.  My first time really teaching, and also getting paid to do it. Unbelievable. Making the dream of being a teacher a reality one step at a time. I kept my first crisp 5 dollar bill, and hung it on the wall, like they do in the movies.  (nods in satisfaction) 

More recently my friend broke her shoulder so I have been subbing for her regularly, which also takes the experience up a notch.  The regularity of coming up with 2 fresh classes, no matter whats happening in my life, how I am feeling physically or emotionally, is powerful.  Its a transformative way to meld life and practice, when its in service to others, instead of just yourself. 
A couple weeks ago I was having my first...Yoga-block. Like writers block I guess. I just couldn't get myself to put a practice together.  I lit candles, put on music, sat for a bit, rolled around on the ground....but I just couldn't seem to get things in alignment.  I was scattered.  I guess the pressure sort of took me there eventually by evening, but I didn't sleep well, and was worried how I was going to avoid my struggles coming out in class.  But in the end, I woke up, I went to class, and taught a couple of my strongest classes yet!
After class a woman came up to me and I thought she was going to give me feed back, but instead she reached her arms around me with a smile on her face, and hugged me!  It felt amazing.  As a teacher, the teacher, it made my heart sing to know what I am putting out in the Universe moved someone to the point if needing to make contact with me, to show their affections.

I'm so lucky to be in process of creating the life I imagined.

(I try to bring different positive spiritual energy decor into the space when I teach.
Crystals, banners, statues, etc.)

Happy Earth Day!
Love Your Mother

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sushi Love

Gotta share the love. My husbands and my favorite local sushi spot 
Thai Orchid.  Killer happy hour! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Julian Velard - Love Again For The First Time [Official Video] HD

A Random Catch-Up

      It has been many moons since I have written in blogging format. I still write outside of the blogging world, but it tends to be more like notes, affirmations, scheduling, lists (I could write lists for days). I actually have to write things down regularly or I go crazy with these overpowering thoughts of the future, and needing to...calculate and control it.  But if I can let the page hold those thoughts, then I feel free to live in the moment. I have always kept notebooks, which have taken many forms over my life, until I settled on the 3 Ring Binder.  What pleases me most about it, is how I can take things out, and also add things in, without hurting the integrity of the notebook. Some of my past note books were all torn up, with papers and notes shoved in, and falling out, which was not conducive for organizing my thoughts . The 3 Ring takes care of all of it, and provides pockets, as well as the see-through cover pockets to hold something personal.  I would absolutely suggest it to anyone! Grab a 3 ring binder, fill it with white paper, recycled paper, lined paper (I cant be contained in lines),  print off or draw full page calenders of the next few months to throw in there.  Then just write anything and everything on the pages.  A song you want to download some day, something you want to cook, a scribble, a floor plan, a color, a profound thought (you notice is not all that profound a week later when you notice what you wrote), a things to do list for the day, the week, the month!  Whatever it is, it will help you function better as a person, guaranteed! Some days I will even pull it out, open it up, and just stare at it.  That some how helps as well.  Psychically putting thoughts into the notebook, dropping off energy.

    So I removed all of my past blog posts for the purpose of beginning again from a fresh perspective.  The necessary pruning of myself so I can continue to grow and produce that fruit! There have been several small deaths in my life over the past year, and I am happy to be moving forward on my path with a renewed sense of energy, and courage.

I dont want to get into a lot of explainy thoughts right now, but in a nut shell I finally started a Yoga Teacher Training this past October and have been on an interesting journey with that.  I will share a lot more in blogs to come, but today I just wanted to throw it out there.

Switching it up here is a dream I had last night I found to be quite interesting:

It took place in the house I grew up in. My family had this chimpanzee like creature. He stayed in a large cage, and was very sensitive.  He like me the most, and I would hold his hand, and just be with him. In his cage he had a dangerous snake he loved, which I handled with an oven mit and a stick to put him in and out of the cage.  (this is where it gets kind of weird)  The chimp had the ability to morph into a human being.  I would sit with him when it was time and try and help him channel his energy to turn into a human.  But when he was human he was Mentally retarded. He could speak, but was sensitive, and had outbursts.  The whole family was worried about his freak outs, but I was able to keep him somewhat under control.  We were seemingly psychically connected.  He said he wanted to go to subway, which I thought was funny, because of how specific he was.  I told him I could make him a sandwich here at the house, and he said okay, but only triangles, and no corner crust.


I just wanted to share that.  I think dreams, especially my own, are so fascinating!  So much story there, so much energy. I have been training since I was a kid to travel in and out of the dream world with ease and comprehension. When awoken by something in the physical world, I find it to be a rewarding practice to travel back into the same portal of the dream I was in, and settle back in.

Well I just wanted to get myself writing, because its been a couple weeks since I decided to start blogging again.  Its been a little random but thats okay.  =)  Just gotta get it goin'. I will get a little more focused along the way. 

Keep The Flowishness~~


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Im Back! Happy New Year, New Energy

So I have had a little bit of writers block. About a year and a half of writers block. Actually can I consider myself a writer if I'm only blogging?  All signs point to Yes.  (nods)

I decided to start up my blog again because its refreshing to write about my life and reflect on it, and to encourage myself with some form of accountability. It being a new year as of a couple of days ago, I have been called to make some serious healthy changes in my life, and I know sharing the experience with other people is a good way to harness the positive energy needed to dream up, stick to, and accomplish these goals.

-Mmm this feels good to write, yes, YES!

I am called to write this right now actually, after a few minutes of swirling around up there in my head:
I ask Spirit for the strength to stay grounded and not to allow myself to tizzy in the negative story writing of my minds eye.

Keep the Flowishness